Serving The Community

Service to others is a fun, exciting, and important way to stay involved in not only your student’s life, but a way to meet other parents. Parents set a great example by supporting a strong value of the school: community service.  Coming together in a spirit of cooperation to benefit the school ministry to “our kids” pays dividends that will last for eternity.  Parent volunteers give valuable expertise to the school, volunteering their time and talent, and generously supporting projects. This help from parents keeps the school’s costs at a minimum.

For the 2024-2025 school year The Master’s Christian School will be asking each family to contribute a minimum of 20 hours of service over the course of the school year. Families with students in part time programs (Preschool, and Homeschool connections) are also expected to contribute a minimum of 20 hours per year for students enrolled at MCS.

If you would like more information about Volunteer Opportunities or are interested in volunteering in a certain area, please call our office at 509-997-4060 or email MCS@EAGLES56.ORG.  


1 Full-time student = 20 Service Hours 1 Part-time student = 20 Service Hours

Opt-out of Service Hour Program: $800 (billed to account)

MCS Service Opportunities

Weekly or Monthly Commitments:

  • Maintain Website

  • Manage Social Media 

  • Listen to Children Read

  • Read to a Group of Students

  • Help Teach an Elective

  • Supervise Lunch and / or Recess

  • Help organize an Activity / Event, or Day trip

  • Teacher Appreciation and Support

  • Repair and / or Maintenance

Project-based Commitments:

  • Help Organize the Science Fair

  • Help with the Christmas Play

  • Spring Wood Gathering

  • Organize the Talent Show

  • Welcome Back or End-of-Year BBQ

  • Help with Field Trips

  • Help with Fundraisers

  • Photography / Media

Summer Projects:

  • Paint Classrooms and/or Hallways

  • Build / Paint Shelves

  • Build / Paint Benches

  • Before School Clean-up